...they... believed a lie... (and now) had pleasure
in unrighteousness. (II Thess. 2:11-12)

We’ve discovered the vast amount of pagan elements contained in the
holiday of Easter (see The Easter Connection). We’ve also noticed the
obvious pagan affiliations in Halloween (see The Halloween Connection).
And, believe it or not, we'll now see how the holiday of Christmas might,
indeed, contain a good deal of pagan elements, as well!

As most of us know, Christmas is the celebration of a birthday - but
whose, for sure? Could it have been Jesus; or could it have been someone
a lot older, and a lot more pagan? Interestingly enough, the date of
Christmas is approximately 9 months after the time of the Easter pagan
celebration. 9 months? Does this sound like something familiar?

We also know (from The Easter Connection) that Easter was first
considered to be the celebration of a conception. Following that train of
logic, could Christmas, then, be the celebration of a pagan birth - 9-or-so
months after this time, possibly? And, if this could be so, might this holiday
be, in actuality, the commemoration of a birth of some pagan, Babylonian
god… not the son of God?

We’ve already understood the role Nimrod and the sun-god had on Easter
and Halloween (see The Easter Connection and The Halloween
). Interestingly enough, in this time of birth, we’ll discover even
more about the pagan sun god, his viceroy Nimrod (or Tammuz), and one
more date to be remembered, and embraced, as part of this all:

...(the Roman Emperor) Aurelian strengthened the position of the Sun
Sol Invictus as the main divinity of the Roman pantheon. His
intention was to give to
all the peoples of the Empire, civilian or
soldiers, easterners or westerners, a
single god they could believe in
without betraying their own gods.
("Aurelian", n. d., p. 8)[1]

Apparently, as we see (above), changes were about to take place in the
ancient Roman Empire. This would be shortly before the time they were to
adopt Christian values and behaviors as their own. We see that (in the year
274) - after the roman emperor declared the god named Deus Sol Invictus
as the official deity - Aurelian also:

…built a splendid temple of the sun in Rome... and set the sun's birthday
celebration (naturalis solis invicti)
on December 25
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 5)[2]

December 25th? Could this particular date have originated with more of a
pagan tone, here, as well? Did this December birthday originate as a
celebration of the sun-god’s viceroy Tammuz - not anything Christian?

Many who understand religious history know that, in the early 4th century,
Emperor Constantine became the emperor of Rome who allowed
Christianity to flourish for the first time. And, eventually, Rome would be
adopting it as their official religion. Yet, overall, things didn’t seem to
change very much in the empire itself, it seems. As we’ll see, this
proclamation really didn’t seem to change what the pagan populous would
think about their pagan gods, at first… far from it:

In 313 Constantine issued the "Edict of Milan," which commanded
official toleration of Christianity and other religions… Constantine's
program was one of toleration only, and he continued to support both
and paganism.
("Conversion of Constantine: Constantine Becomes a
Christian", n. d., p. 1)[3]

In the time of Constantine the cult of Deus Sol Invictus was still at its
height, and the portrait of the sun-god was on the coins of
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 5)[4]

We see, by looking at an actual coin of the approximate period (above), the
image of Constantine (left) and a crowned, pagan god - holding a globe in
his hand (on the right) - was still to be etched onto his coinage. The former
worship would still continue on; as one form or another.
This solitary god’s name was Deus Sol Invictus… which means “the god”
(Deus) of the “sun” (Sol) who was “unconquered” (Invictus) - the
unconquered sun god. This sun god’s viceroy, Tammuz (or Nimrod), of
course, could also be considered “unconquered” because, as we know, he
was first considered a martyred moral. The sun-god brought him back to
life. So, thanks to this sun-god, Tammuz was never conquered by death -
not completely! He was a god, now: the one who actually did the
conquering over death! And, the time of his birthday would be celebrated
on December 25th… 9-or-so months after the time of his conception; at
Easter! We have the following admission, regarding Christmas:

December 25 was referred to in documents as Christmas Day in A.D.
324 for the first time. Under the Roman emperor Justinian [A.D. 527-
565] it was recognized as an official holiday. An
old Roman festival
played a major part in the choice of this particular day.
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 2)[5]


December 25 in ancient Rome was the 'Dies Natali Invictus,' 'the
birthday of the unconquered (sun)?'… the last day of the Saturnalia...
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 2)[6]

Seems this “Christian” holiday definitely does have a pagan foundation –
and really didn’t lose it, that much! But, what about today? Are more
pagan elements around in our modern celebration of Christmas? Did they
eventually disappear? And, what’s this (above) celebration of Saturnalia?

First, Saturnalia was an ancient pagan festival; which began, each year,
around December 17th. It extended all the way to the day of December
25th. On the actual 25th, the holiday became known as the Brumalia – the
sun’s (or revived son's) birthday! And, at the conclusion of this festival,
Roman authorities believed they could destroy most of the forces of
darkness and evil - if they celebrated it the “right” way, of course. So, if
we think about it, why would almost anyone in charge want to erase all of
this working order, just for the sake of some up-and-coming faith of
Christianity - especially if they worshiped other gods in the past?

So, now we are beginning to see that the birthday of December 25th was,
at first, celebrated as that of the reborn, pagan god of Babylon: Nimrod (or
Tammuz). And, as one could guess, this practice must have spread beyond
this early time of Babylon, to the rest of the ancient world… and this, of
course, includes ancient Rome. Just as with the holidays of Easter and
Halloween, new names would be inserted for these original gods of
Babylon, according to each empire or nation which adopted it! And, just
like Easter and Halloween, this festival also seemed connected to the
cycles in nature (such as the changing of the seasons)! So, as one could
guess, its just another part of this same, founding Babylonian story of old.

In ancient Rome, however, the time was coming for Christianity to be on
an upswing. And, as one could guess, competition would spring between
these pagan ways of old, and something new. Survival was in order:

…there was also another pagan belief during this same epoch, that
much more nearly competed with Christ for the control of the Western
world. This was the
cult of the Sun, which was revered by millions of
the inhabitants of the Roman Empire, and its religion for a time even
became the state worship....
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 5)[7]

By looking at all of the above, almost anyone could conclude Christmas
wasn’t originally “Christ’s day,” but an amalgamation, of sorts; Christian
shell - pagan underbelly. And, what about some of the other famous
elements of this day - such as the Christmas tree? Are they Christian; or
something more? Where did this come from?

Probably the most famous image that comes to mind, when one thinks of
the Christmas holiday, is the Christmas tree. But, why does the holiday
merit us to put up a tree? What do trees have to do with Christ, or with his
death, burial, and resurrection? The answer? Most probably - nothing! But,
what (if anything) would putting up a tree do with pagan beliefs, or pagan
gods? The answer? Most probably - everything! Let’s see.

The queen (Semiramis) told the worshippers that when Tammuz (a.k.a.
Nimrod) was killed… some of his blood fell on the stump of an
evergreen tree, and the stump grew into a full new tree overnight. This
made the evergreen tree sacred by the blood of Tammuz.
("The Pagan Origins of Easter", n. d., p. 2)[8]

Obviously, we see the Christmas tree really comes from an old Babylonish
fable, telling of an evergreen tree which sprang out of a dead tree stump.
This obviously symbolized dead Nimrod; and the new evergreen tree sym-
bolized how he had come to life again - as the reborn, unconquered god![9]

It clearly seems that a tree - especially an evergreen - was a pagan symbol
of the god born on this day. And, since the evergreen tree never seemed to
look as though it “dies” - because it stays green all winter - it became the
perfect symbol of a martyred god, "reborn" on this day! Now, we also
have the connection of this holiday to the season of winter: because
Nimrod "reborn" was said to have come out of the underworld (a place of
the dead) - similar to the dark, "death-like" surroundings the cold of winter
gives us.

Many of the plants used at Christmas are symbols of fertility. Certainly
any evergreen (fir, yew, laurel) with its ability
to return verdure in the
barren months is appropriate…
("The Shocking Pagan Origins of Christmas!", n. d., p. 9)[10]

Again, we see it all comes from a pagan origin. With all this paganism
about, could the Bible have a little something to say about the use of
plants, such as this; in these ways? Yes, the "Christmas tree," interestingly
enough, may have been among those pagan elements condemned by the
Word of God! Let’s see how...
The prophet Jeremiah wrote:

Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not
dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the
forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with
hammers, that it move not.
They are upright as the palm tree…
- Jer. 10:2-5 (KJV)

It seems the Bible does condemn this practice, here - probably because it
comes from another older, pagan ritual (from Babylon). Could the entire
Nativity of Christ have been there to absorb this pagan holiday of old,
during the early times of the church? Could this holiday of the winter
solstice actually have been the day of the Nativity of the Sun, and him
alone? It’s sad; but probably true.

People, today, might think they are celebrating the true Savior (i.e. Jesus),
when taking part in Christmas celebrations; when they are, in actually,
continuing the celebration of some false savior - another older, pagan
“Jesus!” This could also help us to understand, better, why the apostle
Paul wrote to the Corinthians: to beware of the subtle deceit of “another
Jesus whom we have not preached”:

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not
preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or
another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with
- II Cor. 11:4 (KJV)

In actuality, Paul claimed that: if we receive, or give a favorable ear to,
these other elements which may be mixed in with Christian thought and
tradition (without calling them out for what they were), the other elements
would probably be able to endure, or hold up, well - in combination! They
would be able to sustain themselves - as a pagan/Christian fusion - just
nicely! And, as we see... it exactly has! Also, it would not really be easy to
get rid of these other, older elements of our hybrid holidays, once they
become entrenched in this way. Again, this is exactly what happened, and
what continues to go on, today!

How many of us really know about these pagan infusions into our
Christian celebrations; or really care? Yet, these combinations were
brought to us, way back to the time of the 4th century A.D. (even earlier).
And, they are still present; and continue.

What can we conclude?

When Constantine became Emperor of Rome, he nominally at least
became a "Christian." But being the head of a far-flung political
Empire, he was concerned about
the unity and coherence and stability
of his Empire. As a sagacious politician, he sought to reconcile and
blend and mesh pagan practices with "Christian" beliefs, to merge
paganism with the Roman church… From that time… the church
became totally subverted by
politics and self-seeking opportunists.
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 6)[11]

…the Church moved to incorporate the birthday of the sun god into the
so-called "Christian" calendar, and converted his "birth day" into the
birth day of the Messiah… It was now called "Christian." But in truth,
it still had a pagan
heart and core!
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 6)[12]

So, where do this all lead us? Again, it puts this holiday in the same boat as
the pagan holidays of Easter and Halloween.
And, when confronted by paganism in their midst, things, often, turns out
the same way (in the average mind of the unknowing Christian)...

Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it!
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 7)[13]

Sad; but so often true.

“Paganism” was not really defeated by the Church. It invaded the
church, infiltrated it, and seduced it from within! The professing
Christian Church became the "new face of paganism"! Only the
"names" were changed. And in some cases - as in "Easter" Sunday -
even the old pagan names were left in place!
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 7)[14]

Christianity was the last great creation of the ancient pagan world...
This tendency on the part of Christians to meet paganism
half-way was
very early developed...
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 7, 14)[15]

We’re not saying that Christianity is, at its core, bad - just often corrupted,
in ways such as these holidays!

And, why does the story seem to continually come to the same
pagan/Christian fusion? Of course, the real reason is: it’s all about power
and domination over others… the personal power and ego gratification of
certain religious leaders above us (no matter what faith one might be
adhering to)! To them, it’s about holding onto whatever religious
interpretation or tradition which – in the end - might benefit them the most!
These kinds of corruptive thoughts have been with us for a very, very long
time… and it still goes on today.

Jesus, for example, told the ancient Jewish Pharisees of his day that:

…Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your
tradition. - Mark 7:9 (KJV)

Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your
tradition…. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines
commandments of men. - Mat. 15:6, 9

Over the years, there have been people who actually saw these things for
what they were; and even tried to do something about it. But, of course, it
wouldn’t last – thanks to the political or religious pressures of corrupted
priests, or individuals in power over them, at the time.
Some of the early American Protestants, for example, tried to reject these
pagan infusions into their Christian belief.

In 1643, the Puritans, who regarded such celebrations as pagan,
outlawed the observance of Christmas in England... But immigrants to
the New World brought Christmas customs from many lands and the old
festivities were soon restored.
("The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!", n. d., p. 8)[16]


…the seventeenth century Puritans of New England understood how
wrong Christmas was… Fines and imprisonment could result from
being found keeping it. It was almost 200 years (1856) before people
stopped working on Christmas in Boston. The Puritans knew its roots
and labeled it “heathen, papist idolatry.”
("The True Origin of Christmas", n. d., p. 14)[17]

What this tells us is this: as good as their initial attempts might have been,
here, to stop these pagan infusions - it really did not last. As we see,
Protestants didn't turn out that much better off than the early Church of
Rome - with pressure upon them. The corrupted "higher ups" were (and
are) the problem - not the well-wishing converts of whatever faith. As a
result: most contemporary Christianity, in some way, has fallen victim to
this pagan intrusion, in some way, over the years - and the faith often
ended up in a state of compromise, ever since.

But, regardless, an observant person should be able to do his or her own
homework, and see just how Christianity - as a whole - has been overtaken
by pagan elements; and how it is continuing to fall, deeper and deeper, into
this pagan “quicksand” - be it Easter, be it Halloween, be it Christmas.
And, it continues to get worse, as time goes on.
The problem expands when people, knowingly or unknowingly, accept the
“gift-giving” and “parlour-room” look of these combinations - and believes
"that's just the way it is!" The problem lies with someone ignoring most
anything which might actually point them towards some kind of real truth.

It’s almost like a person going out to a really fancy restaurant, thinking they
ordered a nice, juicy steak; when, in fact, they were really eating something
as undesirable as horse meat, or a dog. And, after finding out this truth, not
really caring about what they ate… because it still seemed to have been
seasoned enough to make it all taste “good.”

Knowledge is power. One’s own history is their power. Right now,
paganism is at the core of so much, and still holds onto a lot of the power
and control. We see this, by the reactions of so many Christians, today...
when they hear about the real, probable origins of their so-called
“Christian” holidays.

Again, it’s all so sad… but, most probably true.

Well, what’s the big deal, as a whole - one might say? It still seem to
sound Christian on the outside; and still looks and sounds "Christian"
enough, to most. It really doesn’t seem to hurt much if a little paganism
gets in, right? Well, there just might be some side effects to it all. Why? It’s
because this unconcern for what’s really out there may, eventually (and
often), begin to bleed over into other parts of one's life. It can go - from a
few innocent-sounding holidays - to other facets of our daily, Christian
walk… twisting and diluting minds of anyone hungry for unbiased truth.
With all of these additional elements, how could the average Christian
think they have something special with their faith in God - if its almost "all
the same?" Wouldn't they begin to think that “Christianity might not really
be that big of a deal, after all,” if it all looked as though it came right out of
the same Pandora's box? Is this how one should be thinking about their
own faith? Isn't Christianity supposed to be different than all the rest?
Shouldn't we be building our house, here, on the rock; or on some same
old pagan mound of sand (Mat. 7:26)?

Seems the "stumbling-block" seeds of doubt and corruption have already
been planted - in regards to our Christian faith - long, long ago.


[1] Aurelian, 8, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurelian (accessed July 5, 2016).
[2] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 5, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[3] Conversion of Constantine: Constantine Becomes a Christian, 1, http://www.religionfacts.
com/conversion-of-constantine (accessed July 5, 2016).
[4] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 5, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[5] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 2, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[6] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 2, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[7] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 5, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[8] The Pagan Origin Of Easter, 2, http://www.lasttrumpetministries.org/tracts/tract1.html
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[9] The True Origin of Christmas, 10, https://rcg.org/books/ttooc.html (accessed June 8,
[10] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 9, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[11] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 6, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[12] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 6, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[13] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 7, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[14] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 7, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[15] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 7, 14, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[16] The Shocking Pagan Origin of Christmas!, 8, www.hope-of-israel.org/cmas1.htm
(accessed June 8, 2016).
[17] The True Origin of Christmas, 14, https://rcg.org/books/ttooc.html (accessed June 8, 2016)