Were there human offspring of fallen angels?
There were giants in the earth in those days... (Gen 6:4)
As we recall, from Untold Garden of Eden, there could have been a
number of angels who fell, just around the time of Adam. The reason: envy
and pride. These angels were to subject themselves to Adam's authority;
and serve under him. Some of these angelic groups wanted no part of that.
Satan was, most probably, among one of these group of fallen angels. From
the research, there could have been three distinct groups of angels, coming
up again and again, in ancient literature.
First, we have Satan, and his group of non-corporeal angels (spiritual
angels), who most probably fell around the time of Adam.[1] Second, we
have the group of angels now known as the Nephilim; who also fell around
this same time.[2] Their physical make up, however, seemed to be closer to
human beings. Unlike Satan and his fallen brigade, the Nephilim were able
to assimilate into human form a lot easier. So, their punishment was to live
on earth, just like any other human being, and serve Adam in the workings
of the Garden.[3]
The third and final group of angelic beings would fall much later on; and
would fall in much the same way that the Nephilim did.[4] This group of
angels would eventually be known as the Watchers.
After Adam's fall, Satan and the Nephilim were no longer subjective to
Adam's authority. The Serpent, of whom was probably one of these
Nephilim, was said to have had many names (i.e. Nachash, Azazel, Amalek,
to name a few). He and his clan would work to further seduce Eve, as well
as other women of the day, in order to produce offspring. There is a reason
for all of this, however; as we shall soon see.
Eventually, these offspring would even go on to form entire groups (or
nations) of people, from that point on.[5] Cain, another member of these
"mixed multitudes," would also go on to have a family of his own.
We recall (from 'Birds' and 'Beasts'), there could have been other groups
of people around the Garden of Eden, at the time - known as the Chay
(beasts) of the Field, The Owph (fowl) of the Air, the Remes (creeping
thing) that Creepeth, and the Bahemah. After Adam's fall, these groups
also lost the working roles they once might have had. All of them, along
with the rest of Adam's group - the Adamites - could have begun to follow
their own pathways in this strange, new world. This would allow a number
of individuals the opportunity to associate with these fallen angelic beings.
Although, there is nothing wrong with different groups of people coming
together, and having children; but mixing human DNA with these terrestrial,
fallen angels would pose a problem to almost every one of their
Why did these unions take place? The Nephilim were endowed by God
with a great deal of previously unheard-of knowledge: herbalism,
divination, astrology; just to name a few. They were able to use this
knowledge to seduce women into having sex with them. Yes, as these
terrestrial angels lived longer and longer on earth, and became closer and
closer to humans in physical appearance, they also began to feel a lot of the
thoughts and passions that human beings around them had! And, this
would include their beginning to have sexual desire.[6]
So, many women of the day began to be seduced by the overwhelming
knowledge, charm, and stature of these Nephilim; and would begin to barter
their bodies to acquire it! Many of the offspring born through these mixed
cohabitations became known as the biblical "giants."[7]
The descendants of Cain (i.e. the Cainites) also began to mingle with people
in other groups, as well. What began a fairly simple, and orderly, world was
now becoming a lot more complex. The Nephilim used their knowledge and
power to increase their position over the populous; which, in turn, allowed
everyone to become more sinful in their ways.
Approximately 500 years after the creation of Adam, the Nephilim were
producing these hybrid offspring on a grand scale:
First, they were called Nefilim, the fallen, at the time they were dropped
down from heaven. After they joined up with the females of human
kind and had children from them, the children were called Anakim.
- Zohar 40 Shlach Lecha 10[8]
This was also alluded to, in the sixth chapter of Genesis:
Gen. 6:
1 And it came to pass, when man began to multiply on the face of the
earth, and daughters were born unto them,
4 There were giants (Nephilim) on the earth in those days...
Intermingled within these confusing verses of Genesis 6 there could also be
a reference to another group of individuals - bent on this same outcome of
destruction as the Nephilim.
The Nephilim fell because they were envious of Adam; right around the
time of Eden. Almost 500 years after this happened, yet another group of
large angels - the Watchers - began to crumble in their morality, as well.
This third group of angels (also mentioned in Dan. 4:13 and 17) were
another group of angels who, apparently, were left unscathed by the fall of
Adam. They were soon to succumb to the same fate as the Nephilim,
however, because of their deeds.
Also known as the "Sleepless Angels" or "Sons of God," the Watchers were
assigned to do just that: "watch" over mankind, and instruct them in good,
wholesome ways of living.[9] They had the tasks of assisting human beings
in many of their worldly decisions, and/or tasks. Yet, as time went on, they
eventually began to notice how sinful mankind was becoming, because of
their moral departures, and began to complain to God:
And God said unto them... "I created him (Adam) out of the dust... and I
will not make my handiwork a laughingstock for his enemies." And
those angels said... "knowest that we have reviled Adam." And God
answered them on behalf of Adam... "You have I created out of fire and
air with the one intent (that ye should) praise (Me). Him have I created
of twice as many elements as you - of dust and water, and of wind and
fire... And if his heart inciteth him to good, he walketh with good
intent; and if the devil seduceth him, he walketh with him on an evil
path. As for you, ye have no other object in your minds but praise of
Me... And now, why do ye magnify yourselves above Adam? If ye were
as he is... ye would have transgressed My commandment more than he
hath done..." And the angels said unto Him... "we will not oppose Thy
word; for we are spiritual beings for life, and he is a creature of dust
(doomed) to folly..." And straightway there were given unto them...
flesh, and blood, and a heart of the children of men.
- Kerba Nagast Concerning the Angels[10]
Apparently, the Watchers wanted to prove something to God. They thought
that - with their superior intellect - they would not have the weakness of
spirit to do anything like their angelic predecessors. Even though they
descended to earth a good number of times, and intermingled with people
upright, they couldn't understand how worldly temptation may be able to
change someone. Yet, when God did allow them to descend, they didn't
fair much better.
Which brings us, again, to Genesis 6. This set of verses could prove most
confusing - without the above information. If we include the above, it all
makes much more sense:
Gen. 6:
2 That the sons of God (i.e. the Watchers) saw the daughters of men that
they were fair, and took them wives of all they chose.
4 There were giants (the Nephilim & their offspring) in the earth in those
days (of the Watcher's descent); and also after that (time of their
descent), when the sons of God (i.e. the Watchers) came into the
daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same (children of
the Watchers) became the mighty men which were of old (i.e. from these
angels who were of old, or of times past), men of renown (i.e. men who
"made themselves renown").
In other words: even the Watchers blew it! Instead of showing God that
they could handle this brave, new world, they fell - just like their Nephilim
counterparts. They also worked in cohesion with these power-hungry
women, and bore offspring of their own.
They were also said to have provided their women with a even more tidbits
of forbidden knowledge. Immorality began to be everywhere, thanks to the
sacrilegious and indecent behaviors of all of these groups of fallen angels.
The descendants of the Nephilim and Watchers were known by names
such as "giants" or "mighty men," because there were, indeed, thus. The
offspring of the Nephilim (i.e. the Anakim) averaged nine feet tall; those of
the larger Watchers (i.e. the Refaim, Mighty Men, etc.) reached heights of
around twelve.[11] Some of these human-angelic unions produced other
strange genetic malformations; among them, human beings with twelve
fingers and twelve toes (six on each hand and foot).[12]
Along with certain physical attributes, there seemed to be specific mental
attributes passed along. As we recall, from Cain: Seed of the Serpent, there
was a prophecy, given by God, to one of these Nephilim - the Serpent:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy
seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise
his heel. - Gen. 3:15 (KJV)
Many of these hybrid offspring began to despise (or have enmity towards)
anything of God, and his followers - just like their angelic predecessors did.
Now, the Nephilim and Watchers were in the same "boat" as Satan himself.
All of them had lost their authority in the angelic realm, under God; and
were condemned to live out the rest of their lives as mortal, terrestrial
beings. Their reward was given to them on this earth, already. They had no
other chance for redemption - they lost the immortality they had, before.
[13] Now, their eventual death on this earth was their ultimate end.
But there was more to their desire to have offspring in this way: they also
were well-aware of the Genesis 3:15 prophecy (above). They knew a savior
would eventually be born from Adam's seed, to put an end of the Serpent
and Satan's temporary dominion over the world. The Nephilim and
Watchers had fallen enough already (in their minds), because of their
grumbling against Adam and the human race; they did not want to go down
any further, given their present position.
Perhaps - they thought - if they could find some way to upstart God's
prophecy! Some of these angels already helped cause Adam to fall once.
Maybe they could do the same thing to God's prophecy, here! If they could
possibly destroy the chances of Adam's seed being able to pass on to the
promised one, then maybe - just maybe - this will facilitate their being
allowed to avoid their own judgment; and upstart God's desire again. Why
not? What did they have to lose? It was worth a try.
So, if they could insert their own seed into practically every woman around,
the "crusher" of the serpent's head (who would eventually be born as Jesus
Christ) would never be born. The power of the Serpent and Satan would
still stand. The prophecy of God would not be fulfilled; maybe their terrible
destiny could be avoided. This became another reason why these terrestrial
angels worked so hard to sexually infiltrate the world with their own sperm,
as well! What could they have to lose; besides everything they have already
God, however, would not go down that easily.
He let those know - everyone who really cared about following His laws -
that there would soon be a great flood on the horizon; a huge flood which
would end up punishing those trying to destroy the organized world in this
way! This would, also, help facilitate a way out for the seeds of Adam.[14]
With the Nephilim and Watchers drown, there would be opportunity to
preserve Adam's seed until the time the savior was predestined to come
about (when Mary would deliver the Christ child).
God - the merciful God that He was - gave people a chance at repentance.
He did not want everyone to go down, because of these fallen angels; but,
He also had to make it know that there must be punishment for those who
contribute to the wrong-doings and immorality that was going on, at this
time. The time was nigh for change.
God probably showed the disobedient one or two horrific signs in the
heavens; of which He hoped would scare them enough to see that He
wasn't kidding, here - their judgment was on the horizon:
...and God did this mighty act, in order to terrify the sons of men, that
there might be nor more evil upon the earth. And still the sons of men
would not return from their evil ways, and they increased their anger
of the Lord as that time, and did not even direct their hearts to all this.
- Book of Jasher 6:11-12
So much for their "waking up" to what they were doing. Obviously, the
forbidden knowledge these angels gave the human race didn't help them, in
the end. In fact, it hurt the human race a great deal. And, their mixed
offspring, for the most part, wouldn't have any part in trying to learn, nor
care, about who God was; and what His ways were. Immorality was so
rampart the people really didn't care about anything but themselves, and
their lusts. The world was getting close to almost being completely
"swallowed up" by those who had some blood of these terrestrial angels,
and/or who followed their corrupt "ways."
There were a few - just a few - who tried to stay moral. They worked to
keep themselves physically pure, and not mix sexually with these fallen
angels, and the like; because they knew, for Christ's sake, they had to keep
their blood lines pure. They wanted to follow what God promised for them,
and their descendants. They wanted to follow the ways of God.
There is a great deal more about this in the book The Rise of Mystery
Babylon, which goes into great detail about the life that was lived back
then, and why a flood had to sweep them all away.
To get a glimpse at what happened next, see Other Flood Survivors.
Gigal Refaim (a.k.a. Circle of the Refaim)
actually exists in the Middle-East, today...
a collection of huge stones that was thought to
have been constructed by the descendants of
these fallen, terrestrial angels and humans.
[1] Saltair na Rann, 1729-1752, 1777-1784, 1821-1844, 1865-1880, trans. David Greene; The
Armenian Apocryphal Adam Literature, History and Sermon: Concerning the Creation of Adam
and the Incarnation of Christ Our God 1-5, trans. William Lowndes Lipscomb (Ann Arbor,
Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1983), 261.
[2] Louis Ginzberg, Legends of the Jews: Volume 1, trans. Henrietta Szold (Baltimore,
Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1909), 151.
[3] Pirke De Rabbi Eliezer, Chapter 22: The Fall of the Angels [26A. i.], trans. Gerald
Friedlander, 160.
[4] Book of the Glory of Kings (Kerba Nagast), 100, Concerning the Angels who Rebelled,
trans. Sir. E. A. Wallis Budge (London: Humphrey Milford, 1932).
[5] Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, Book 1, 72-76, trans. H. ST. J. Thackeray (London: William
Heinemann Ltd. 1961), 35; Chris Ward, The Origin of Demons, 2, http://www.adamqadmon.
com/watchers/nephilim019.html (accessed Dec. 5, 2000); The Book of the Cave of Treasures,
The First Thousand Years: Adam to Yared (Jared), The Rule of Enoch (notes), trans. Sir E. A.
Wallis Budge (London: The Religious Tract Society, 1927), 95-98.
[6] Barhebraeus’ Scholia on the Old Testament Part I: Genesis – II Samuel, Genesis 6:3, trans.
Martin Sprengling and William Creighton Graham (Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press,
1931), 35.
[7] The Book of Enoch, 106:7, trans. R. H. Charles (Montana: Kessinger Publishing, 1912).
[8] The Zohar, Volume 18, Shlach Lecha, Section 10. The spies, 73, www2.kabbalah.
com/k/index.php/p=zohar/zohar&vol=40&sec=1411 (accessed Feb. 24, 2010).
[9] Paula O’Keefe, Leviathan Chained, 2, http://www.adamqadmon.
com/nephilim/leviathanchained.html (accessed Dec. 6, 2000).
[10] Book of the Glory of Kings (Kerba Nagast), 100, Concerning the Angels who Rebelled,
trans. Sir. E. A. Wallis Budge (London: Humphrey Milford, 1932).
[11] The Midrash Rabbah, Bereshith (Genesis) 26:7, Deuteronomy 1:28, trans. Rabbi Dr. H.
Freedman and Maurice Simon (London: The Soncino Press, 1961); The Babylonian Talmud,
Jews’ College/Soncino English Translation, Yoma 10a, http://www.halakhah.
com/pdf/moed/Yoma.pdf (accessed Dec. 30, 2010); Charles DeLoach, Giants: A Reference
Guide from History, the Bible, and Recorded Legend (Metuchen, N. J.: The Scarecrow Press,
Inc., 1995), 46; Jonathan Gray, Lost World of Giants, (Teach Services, Inc., 2006), 46.
[12] II Sam. 21:20; I Chron. 20:6.
[13] The Third Book of Adam and Eve (The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan), Chapter 4,
trans. S. C. Malan (London: Williams and Norgate, 1882).
[14] James L. Kugel, Traditions of the Bible (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University
Press, 1998), 217.
Copyright 2010, Brett T., All Rights Reserved