Is there a "politically correct" parallel... then to now?

I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. (Gen. 3:15)

Is there a "politically correct" parallel... then to now?

From Rise of Mystery Babylon, we've discovered what led to the modern-
day "parallels" of political and religious systems of Mystery Babylon. From
The Way of Cain
, we understood a little about the ancient "ways" of
culture, attitudes, and mannerisms - those of Cain - which have come back
to our society, again... full circle! How about the general "atmosphere" of
our society; and how it works as a whole? Who or what is behind the
elements of "political correctness" we hear so much about, today? Do they
have narrative elements which might mirror these ancient beliefs and
practices of the Serpent, Cain, and Babylon, as well?

Actually, the answer is yes... we'll discover how a number of ways we
think in our modern-day society - hailed as "politically correct" - today;
but, were nothing but remnants of those ancient political and religious
Babylonian systems of old. The new politically correct "rules" are nothing
- but a way for people to bring us right back to the same ways of
ancient Babylon.

In regards to our modern politics, there seems to be two major "wings," or
extremes of how a human being thinks ideologically:

the "Left Wing" the "Right Wing"
- a.k.a. -
liberal/progressive views conservative views
democratic views republican views

Typical "Left Wing" ideology can simply (and loosely) be defined as a
person who fronts views on freedom - freedom of expression and thought;
individual and unbound freedom from rules, from authority, or any form of
censorship. One may also take on a secular, or humanistic, approach:
where man is considered the measure of all things. Man (and humankind
alone) can solve all his own problems.

Strong beliefs in human rights and entitlements are often promoted;
dignified by these humanistic ideals. Peace and love become important
mainstays; as well, a compassion for other people (especially the
downtrodden and any of those struggling with life). There is, as well,
strong desires for fairness and equality in the human condition.

Emotion and feelings often play a large part in the thought processes of
these individuals.

Typical "Right Wing" ideology can simply (and loosely) be defined as a
person who might also feel a lot of these same thoughts that a typical "Left
Wing" ideologue might feel; but, in addition, the understanding that there
could be needs to stay within the certain bounds of certain social, political,
or religious boundaries (i.e. to be conservative). Often, these are religious
ideologies, or government laws.

Although "Right Wing" ideology might also take in thoughts of community
and compassion, there is also a quest to develop individual strength and
fortitude. Personal responsibility, rugged individualism, hard work to
achieve one's goals are cherished.

Reason, logic, and a conservative mindset towards how one deals with
their world at hand often plays a large part in the thought processes of
these individuals.

Although the two sides both seem to represent worthy sentiments,
corruption always seems to rear it's ugly head - on much deeper levels,
here. We'll use these two hypothetical extremes to discover some
interesting possibilities, as related to the Serpent, Cain, and Mystery
. As we'll now see: these two wings (or "schools of thought") might
even go all the way back to these early times of Genesis - even the Garden
of Eden
! Yes, it's interesting when we really stop to think about it. Much of
what separates us ideologically seems to originate all the way back then.

For example, let's look at a couple of the ideologies of the "Left Wing"
(above): as far as the freedom element of the "Left," we know the Serpent
promised Eve a better life - a much better life! And, we all know how that
panned out in the end - death, misery, suffering, etc. The Serpent
promised Eve freedom from her position, under God.

He also told her that: if she only disobeyed God, she could even be able to
reach a "god-like" state, herself... interesting, in the wake of all this talk of
humanism and evolution we have today. Obviously, humanity has not
solved all of its problems. In fact, things seems to be getting worse. We are
not evolving into a better world. It seems like more of the opposite. Instead
of our world heading up, towards perfection - and reaching a "god-like"
state - things around us, as a whole, seem to be more and more complex,
more stressful, and more chaotic.

There is nothing wrong with desiring peace and love. But, leaving God out
of the situation could prove it all to be null and void. None of these things
could ever be perfect enough to complete us, as human beings.

Human rights and entitlements, often promoted by the "Left," also seem to
be worthy sentiments on the outside (of course). To an extent, they are a
great cause. And, it all sounded like a horrible punishment for God to inflict
on Adam and Eve, just for eating a fruit. God, however, is a God who
must punish when necessary.

There was only one law in the Garden. Adam and Eve had a pristine
existence. Yet, their own decision was the reason for their post-fall
existence - not God being "mean," or oppressive. And, Adam and Eve
needed to take personal responsibility for their actions.

Having compassion for other people is great; but we also must remember
about the facet of personal responsibility, and what an individual's
contribution may be to their own destiny! If they don't do too much to help
themselves, and make the conscious decisions which will not get
themselves further into negative situations, or further into negative
situations, all of the compassion (and money) in the world will not going to
solve their problems; nor lift them up... at least for very long.

As the saying goes: we need to do more than just "give a man a fish;" they
need to be able to "fish" themselves. It all begins, for the most part, in the
mind; and ends there.

People who ride the coat-tails of their passions and emotions might think
that this makes them a better person, overall; and, it does - to an extent.
But, without rationality and reason to hold the reigns, here, we may begin
to act in ways that aren't really profitable, in the end, for us; or might
actually hurt us, and our society, overall.

Equality and fairness, although good sentiments to chase after, its obvious
that every organization, military power, or government around us needs
order; and a hierarchy. In heaven, there are angelic ranks - much like the
military; it's not just a "free for all." Every angel is not equal. Assuredly
God values them all; but each has their own place and purpose. Fair?
Maybe not. Not really... at least according to today's humanistic
philosophies. But, it works. It also says in the Bible that we are rewarded,
each according to our works (Mat. 16:27, Rom. 2:6, Rev. 22:12). There is
not equal redistribution of wealth in heaven (that is a humanistic idea).

The strive to increase the amount of entitlements one gets, again, sounds
like a worthy venture (at least, on the surface). However, Hebrew words in
the Bible translated into English as covet, may not just mean "excessively
strong envy" - but more like to "take." In other words, to covet something
actually involves someone actively plotting to take, or physically taking,
other people's wealth and possessions (and doing with it what they please).
This is actually wrong, according to the Bible. Coveting is one of the Ten
Commandments! But, today, humanist reasoning finds nothing wrong with
redistribution of wealth - and taking other people's money.
The Bible says not to worry about, not to be upset about, the wealth or
prestige of others - but to just concentrate on making our own lives the best
they could be.

There is more: the desire to have, for example, complete freedom also
seems to be the foundation for a lot of pagan thought and ideology.[1]
Pagan thought is essentially the opposite of God, and the Bible: instead of
laws which, ultimately, might be for our own good, we have pagan
thoughts come to us, such as "as long as you don't harm anyone, do
whatever you wilt."[2]

But, understanding this need for "freedom" is fairly simple: there is truly no
freedom without some sort of laws, or restraint. We cannot just jump off a
cliff and expect to be alright. The present world - brought on by the sin of
Adam and Eve (not God) - can be very dangerous sometimes; and often
necessitates the need for religious and/or political morals.

A total lack of restraint actually may lead the individual towards individual
, in one way or another. If one jumps off a cliff, they may be
stuck in a wheelchair for a while. What people do in life most always
seems to come back to them, one way or another. God's laws might not
make sense to everybody, at every time; but just because humanistic
ideology doesn't take it as a good rule for them, doesn't mean it might not
be a good rule for society, overall.

Yet, how do so many people end up concentrating on these "Left-Wing"
desires for freedom, compassion, and etc. (above) - regardless? Why do
people become so self-involved in wanting to do it their own way, and not
look towards God?

Interestingly enough, once we begin to follow the Western European
- a progressively secular and socialist-leaning society - we seem to
adopt what could be the socio/cultural aspects of countries we already
know to be the seventh "revived" head of Revelation - the political
beast (see The Rise of Mystery Babylon)!
Much of Europe still seems to be under Roman influence; and we know
Rome was actively pagan - not Christian - even up to a couple hundred
years after Christ.

Now, if countries throw socialism into the mix - with ways that often seem
to parallel the above - we have to understand this: a perfect "Kumbuya"
world plainly does not work; nor has it ever in a country. Communist
societies, such as those in the former Soviet Union and China, clearly show
how human motivation and greed will eventually trump, and leave out, the
"human elements" out of any "Left-Wing" socialist experiment.

The real world has many imperfect, irrational, and otherwise evil people
living in it - self-absorbed individuals who would upset the apple cart for
any sort of communism. And when these people get into government, as
administrators of all of this power - the evilness could easily come out.

There are some people who just feel that, if they are given something, why
should they work for it
? And, on the other extreme, those currently
working to pay for others - those who just sit back and collect - might also
begin to think: why should I even try? It's easier to just sit back and
collect a check like my neighbor
! Communism and socialism also stifles
individual progress, and individual effort.

These things are human nature - namely, the darker sides to human
nature! Man, sometimes, becomes stubborn, and doesn't want to play by
their own socialist rules. And, a lot of people will make themselves more
and more poor, and destitute, by living in a world, such as this.

What do they do next? Pride - the same pride the Serpent was known for -
begins to have its way with these people. They don't want to look to
themselves - they are taught it's someone else's fault, or someone else's
oppression that put them there; even God. So, continually being portrayed
as victims, they continue to look for other ways out of their misery.

Once people begin to follow the "Ways of Cain," and begin to take on a
good amount of these "Left Wing" or "politically correct" ideologies, their
whole sense of personal responsibility, and feelings of inner guilt, seems to
go out the window. They are not fronted thoughts of guilt or individual
accountability; and there is not - if there's no real solid laws.

The individual begins to feel that nothing is really their fault. The individual
feels they should be entitled to practically everything they want; with every
right in the world given to them; regardless of individual effort. We see this
a lot, already going on today; and the number of people adopting these
ways continues to grow... as long as these humanistic, anti-God thoughts
continue to grow in everyone's collective unconscious.

(You have) no reason to feel guilty. Your heart continues to tell you that
you are the center of the universe. Your problems are somebody else’s
fault. This world owes you happiness. You are basically good and
unselfish. You’ll be happy if you get what you want. You will be happy
when you follow your
own heart… You are under a curse.
(Davis, n. d., p. 6-7)[3]

What curse could this be: the Curse of Cain? God did curse Cain because
of his attitude and disobedience. He cursed him, for the most part, for the
ways he thought
; not just for the murder. Cain followed his father - the
Serpent. The ancient system of Babylon were incorporated with these
ways of Cain, and the Serpent, on a grand scale. And people used them as
ways, in their mind, to overcome any of the ways of God they felt the
didn't like, didn't approve of, or deemed "oppressive." Humanity trumping

Any sort of "political correctness" that comes from man should not take the
place of God and His Bible. Is it only a humanistic desire to form a
"Kumbuya" world - a world the same as the Garden of Eden - that
motivates people towards adopting these "good-sounding" theologies. But,
is there a source, far deeper - and far more sinister - behind it all? And, if
there is, which "ways" are a good number of these pagan ideals, liberal
thoughts, and secular humanism leading us towards? Are the "Ways of
Cain" ultimately dragging us away from God, and towards them (Cain and
the Serpent)?

There is so much more, beyond this, in the book The Rise of Mystery
. But, first, for a deeper, psychological look at some of the mental
"sparks" which contribute to an individual's desire to adopt these "Ways of
Cain," please see Psychology of Babylon.


[1] Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft (New York: Facts on
File, 1989), 218-19, 323; Raymond Buckland, Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft (St.
Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1993), 102; William Schnoebelen, Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie
(Chino, CA: Chick Publications, 1990), 154-55, 187.
[2] Raymond Buckland, Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft (St. Paul: Llewellyn
Publications, 1993), 18, 223.
[3] James R. Davis, Have We Gone the Way of Cain?, 6-7,
(accessed March 3, 2001).

Copyright 2010, Brett T. All Rights Reserved