Jacob vs. Esau?
Lest there be any fornicator, or profane
person, as Esau... (Heb. 12:16)
After the flood, beyond the time of Abraham, there was another story
extremely important to the legacy of Babylon: Esau.
Lets go back to the time right after the flood; and see what unfolded. We
know, from Other Flood Survivors, there probably were other groups of
people, and maybe even offspring with angelic blood, who survived Noah's
flood, as well. One of Noah's sons, Shem, was appointed by God to carry
on the Holy seed of Adam - eventually to Jesus Christ. One of Shem's
descendants, Abraham, would become a very famous person in the Bible -
the father of many nations.
Abraham had a son: Isaac. Isaac had two twin sons: Jacob and Esau.
Jacob would go on to have a very special position, in regards to this Holy
bloodline. He would be the one God would rename Israel - the father of
the Israeli people.
At the time of their birth, Esau supposedly came out of his mother's womb
first. According to the ancients, the firstborn son was of a special family
significance. He retained a number of privileges within the family. As Esau
was coming out of his mother, Jacob was said to have reached his arm out
of the womb and grabbed Esau's leg - possibly signifying that Jacob
wanted this birthright, as well; and that they were going to fight for it in
years to come (Gen. 25:24-26).
As we've assumed, Jacob and Esau didn't get along. The two never really
saw anything "eye to eye." The interesting thing about this whole story is,
not only would Jacob's descendants go on to form a very important nation,
Esau's descendants would also go on, to form a very powerful empire.
Their battle, it seems, would never end.
So, in order to discover an important piece of Mystery Babylon, we may
need to go back in time, a couple hundred years, to revisit the times of
Nimrod, himself. There are a variety of extra-Biblical accounts which say
that Nimrod once confronted Abraham, Jacob's grandfather. He was even
said to have thrown Abraham into a fiery furnace - because he would not
worship his idol(s).[1] But, an angel interceded, and saved Abraham from
burning in the flames. Nimrod was so amazed that he reportedly sent
Abraham on his way, and gave him great riches, as well as his own
freedom. But, the confrontations between the family of Nimrod and the
family of Abraham was far from over. This clashing of virtual Babylon and
people of Adam's seed would continue on; beyond Nimrod, beyond
Abraham - even up to this day.
According to a number of ancient sources, Nimrod wore clothes which
seemed to have "magical" properties. These clothes were said to have been
the clothes of Adam himself; clothes of which God made for him, as soon
he realized he was naked in the Garden![2] Adam, later on, reportedly
gave them to his son Seth; who passed them down through future
generations. They eventually landed with Noah. And, through Noah, they
eventually found their way into Nimrod's hands.[3]
When Adam wore these clothes, all of the animals around him reportedly
prostrated themselves in front of him; in obedience. Nimrod understood
that he could wear the same clothes, animals would do the same thing
around him! This, probably, could be one of the reasons he was said to be
a "mighty hunter" of old:
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
- Gen. 10:8 (KJV)
Apparently, Nimrod discovered, the clothes would have the same affect on
human beings; which allowed him easy rule over anyone he came up
against.[4] But, we already know (from Origins of Babylon 2), that
Nimrod's rule would not last for too long. After his uncle Shem killed him,
Semiramis took over the "reigns" of Babylon. We also know that
Semiramis had a child - a child she called Nimrod "re-born." So, this
"Nimrod" name, position, and title, could have been taken (from then on)
by subsequent rulers of these areas - to equate themselves with this first
Nimrod, and his god-like status.
One day, one of these subsequent "Nimrods" went hunting. He had
acquired these same clothes of Adam, naturally, because he was now in
power; and used them in his hunts. Jacob's brother, Esau, also was a
hunter; and knew about the clothes. So, Esau had a plot against this
"reborn" Nimrod. Waiting for the time this Nimrod would be walking near
him, he waited; in ambush. After a long fight, Esau eventually killed this
reborn Nimrod, and took his clothes.[5] They now were in Esau's
It was a rough ambush. Esau had to, not only kill this Nimrod, but fight off
a couple of Nimrod's bodyguards. Esau was absolutely exhausted from this
struggle. He ran all the way home; to the place where Jacob was staying.
Once he got to Jacob, he begged him for something to eat. This leads us to
a very famous story in the Bible:
...and Esau came from the field, and he was faint: And Esau said to
Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am
faint: therefore was his name called Edom (red). And Jacob said, Sell
me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to
die: and what profit this day: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.
Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat
and drink, and rose up, and went his way: this Esau despised his
birthright. - Gen. 25:29-34 (KJV)
He sold Jacob his birthright for a pot of beans; almost unheard of, in those
days! Although Esau was out of the birthright of this Holy bloodline, he did
gain another, it seems, through his actions:
...(that) when he killed Nimrod, Esau assumed another birthright:
that of Nimrod and his Babylonian rule.
(Weisman, 1991, p. 122)[6]
This helped to establish quite a sibling rivalry - that unlike the world had
ever seen. Esau's descendants would go on to form the Edomites: a people
of whom some were said to have, eventually, helped form a major empire
in the future - the empire of Rome![7] God hated Esau for his opposition
to Jacob; and his carrying on of this "birthright" of Babylon, in the future
-to Rome, and other areas.
So, Israel and Rome - two close but entirely different groups of people (at
least as far as their moral codes, their culture, etc.) - were to be at odds
with one another, from then on.
Yes, the story of Esau did allow for a royal "changing of the guard," in
regards to the spiritual authority and dominance of ancient Babylon.
Babylon - the city - would eventually fall to dust; but the spirit of Babylon
would live in. At one time, it was Cush and Nimrod; then Semiramis; then
here subsequent "reborn" Nimrods. Now it was Esau's turn. He stripped
the "royal" clothes off of one of these "Nimrods," and kept this symbol of
Babylonian majesty for his self. Tradition says that he buried the clothes,
somewhere. Who knows? Eventually, maybe members of his own family
could have dug them up, and passed them on, in secret, to up-and-coming
rulers of authority.
Interestingly enough, the Roman Empire would have its place as a
majestic, world-dominating system of authority! Although the influences of
ancient Babylon - political and religious - had begun to spread throughout
many facets of the old world, its majesty was once held by the rulers in
charge. Now, at least in some respects, the dominating influence and
power could have been transferred, via Esau, to another, more-powerful
city and empire: Rome.
We will see, in The Rise of Mystery Babylon, how the majesty of ancient
Babylon would shift - from one empire to another; from one belief system
to another - eventually becoming the root-system of many modern belief
systems of religion and governments we see today.
[1] Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews Volume I: From the Creation to Jacob, trans.
Henrietta Szold (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1909), 216-17.
[2] Yishai Chasidah. Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications,
1994, 417.
[3] Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews Volume I: From the Creation to Jacob, trans.
Henrietta Szold (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1909), 177; Louis
Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews Volume V: Notes for Volume One and Two, trans. Henrietta
Szold (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1909), 199.
[4] Rev. Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons (Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers,
1916), 21, 23, 34.
[5] The Book of Jasher, 27:1-11, trans. Albinus Alcuin (Pomeroy, Washington: Health
Research, 1966); Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews Volume I: From the Creation to
Jacob, trans. Henrietta Szold (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1909),
[6] Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom? (Apple Valley, Minnesota: Weisman
Publications, 1991), 122.
[7] J. H., The Mysterious and Prophetic History of Esau Considered: In Connection With the
Numerous Prophecies Concerning Edom (1837) (London: J. G. & F. Rivington, 1837), 76.
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